Dragon Quest 11 Capture Chart 8 | Meda Chat Region – Meda Girls’ College – Pucalao Village – Painting World

Meda-chat region | Region isolated from the surroundings of the mountain area
- Next to the submarine kingdom, it is necessary to head to a medal girls’ school.
- To that end Meda-Chat region
- In order to go to the MedaChat region, it is possible to go from the pillar of light in the northeast of “white incense”.
- When you get to the MedaChat region, head north and head towards “Medal Girls School”!
Appearance Monster
- Aluminum large
- Gunillas
- Killer umbrella
- King slime
- Study
- Golem
- Slime (coalesced)
- Dragon Baggage
- Bukkidskini
- Pteranodon
- Behoim slime
- Her condor
- Merging
- Metal rider
- Living Dead
A girls school student aiming for a lady gathers. I’m dreaming of being a female student!
- You do not have to stop by to advance the story.
We will exchange “small medals” that are scattered around the world for precious items!
A small medal exchange list - 5: Mamoru card
- 10: Wind hat
- 20: Rune staff
- 25: Uniform women’s uniform
- 30: Recipe of King’s costume
- 35: Hayabusa’s sword
- 45: Hayate the best
- 50: Mysterious Bolero
- 55: Arrogant of arms
- 60: Kisaki no Tsurugi
- 65: Thousand Dagger
- 75: Rieki no Rie
Next let’s aim at the “Pucarao Village” in the South!
Quest 1 | My tactics
A quest from a girls student near a tree of memories! Make the queen’s whip + 1 with a forge and pass it! Remuneration is “three small medals!”
Quest 2 | Under the trees of memories
Dr. Grace from the cafeteria. I would like you to investigate the mysterious message left by the graduates. To examine the schoolyard. Remuneration is “Ribbon of memories”
Quest 3 | Meda Female Newspaper Vampire
From the brigade on the second floor of the school building. I decided to look for a newspaper instead of her. The remuneration is “Uniform of Medaka”
Village of Putarrao | Small village. Ruins in the back are sightseeing spots
- When entering the village event
- It is written in the leaflets that there is something good for going to the Petchuat ruins.
- Although it is a village full of lanterns, it is a topic of beautiful mural paintings
- Events go to “Puhachat ruins” in the north of the village
- On the way, Silvia encourages the mysterious young lady “Mel” to cry lost.
- I am asked to go to the ruins from Mel.
- Proceed to the back and go to Puwachat ruins and events.
- While watching the ruins, the key of the mural painted woman’s chest shines.
- Suddenly other people come in and come up with factions.
- I will search Mel for the time being. Event occurrence when going near the village entrance
- It seems that “Bufuka-san” has also gone somewhat to say that because he is invited to a merchant’s
- Bonsac and encouraged to stay at the inn.
- If you go to the ruins once again, there will be “Mel”, but be guided to the back. Events and events go
- When you notice the miscarriage of paintings in mural paintings, they are confined in the room, the women in the mural pain are light and transferred to another world.
- Wall painting world | A mysterious dream space |
- Target capture level 30
- Events occur when going all the way.
- Human beings who bend to murals. It is completely strange.
- A mural painting of a lady in the back talks to me.
- A woman in the mural paintings tells the human beings who came.
- Continue further, you are surrounded by huge plants.
- The protagonist ‘s emblem shines on a pinch of narrowest hair, and somehow escapes difficulty.
- Mural painting of the ancient Powa Chat Kingdom
- Mural paintings are pickled and absorbed in desire.
Immerse things that are not deep in good faith by the appearance of a girl and absorb it in mural paintings. - That is, “Mel” was a demon.
- Somehow escape.
- I return to the village again and tell the village the dangers of mural paintings.
- “Mel” came and event occurred
- “Mel” represents nature. Mel said he will wait at the back of the painting world.
- Again “Mural painting world”
- Going all the way, “Meltore” and a battle
Appearance monster
- Evil Hawk
- Killer umbrella
- Golem
- Shadow Satan: Hadarako is troubling!
- Droll mage
- Puppet man
- Stray metal
- Muscle guard
- Living Dead
- “Trolling metal” is here for the first time! It is recommended to use it as a place where you can efficiently level up with the restoration grounds!
Related article: Increase level | How to raise the level with metal hunting!
Boss “Meltore”
HP 1500
Since it attacks twice in one turn, it is troublesome
Normal Attack: 50 to 60 Damages
Tentacle Attack: 50
Laser: 60 damage to the whole
Deco pin: 120 damage per person
Liberate the key of the heart: to fascinate
Keys to force: Special feat
Because it receives great damage at the deco pin, always emphasis on recovery
Because the whole laser attack is also troublesome, recovery magic is also essential
Get the “Magical Key” when you kill
People around me collapsed when I noticed it.
Events occurred when I went to the inn.
It is said that the place where I can newly increase by acquiring the key of Maho.
A new place that you can go with “the key of Mahou”
Medal girls’ school: uniform of small eggs, small medals · meda women’s uniform
West island in the MedaChat region: Hayabusa’s sword
Delkadar well: 5000 G
The magical state Claymoran kingdom far far from the white incense
The site of Kingdom of Pandelphon: Recipe Book “The Secret of Prince and Princess” · Purple Orb · Chest Appreciation
Hidden spots in the Homsmbir mountains: Demolished swords
Near the Weapon of the castle town of Samadhi: Recipe Book “Magical Wizard”
Dharhune: Recipe book “It will be sunny tomorrow” · Small medal
Soltiko Casino House: Killer Earrings
4 spots in the Huguenor region: 4 small medals
Underground of Najimuna village: zombie mail · small medal · only for life
→ As the story progresses, the places that need to go are “Magic State Claymoran” and “Pandelphon Ruins”
Stars will be on the map.